Our People


Huia O’Sullivan | Executive director


Ngā Rangatahi Toa’s executive director, Huia O’Sullivan (Te Atiawa ki Taranaki), has deep experience in youth development programmes and the issues and challenges that young people face in seizing educational and career opportunities. She has worked with Ngā Rangatahi Toa since 2016, first as Director of Engagement before becoming Executive Director in 2018.

Huia believes in working alongside young people and in the power of programmes grounded in Te Aō Māori to teach wellbeing and coping strategies. She has worked in positive youth development for over 22 years in wide and varied roles dedicated to a single purpose: to serve and advocate for young people while facilitating the process of them finding their own voices.

She has worked at the Families Commission, co-designing with community the document “Thriving in Practice” which is the current theory of change that is embedded in Ngā Rangatahi Toa’s work. When Huia’s not leading youth wānanga, creating or writing funding proposals, you’ll find her on her longboard skating, snowboarding or travelling.


Jess McCabe

Jess joined Ngā Rangatahi Toa in 2016 as a therapeutic counsellor on placement and has been repping the kaupapa ever since. Over the years, she has held various roles within the organisation, including Whānau Relationship Coordinator and Youth Development Support for our rangatahi.

Now working remotely from her whare in Heretaunga, Jess has taken on the self-titled role of “Ops Dream Team,” where she supports all aspects of the kaupapa operations. She is passionate about creating safe spaces and fostering connections that allow our rangatahi to explore their creativity and strengthen all their ships—relationships with self, whenua, wairua, whānau, and community.

Nikau Hindman

Nikau Hindman is a young creative with whakapapa to Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Māmoe and Waitaha.

Raised in Te Henga, West Auckland, Nikau is a music producer and rapper, releasing his first Album ‘Blacksand’ in 2020.

He has supported Ngā Rangatahi Toa since 2019 as a Youth worker and creative mentor.

He works as part of the Tai Toka Ahi internship programme alongside Rewi Spraggon as the Hāngi Masters.

Olivia Pickering

He uri au nō Ngāpuhi. Ki te taha o tōku papa nō Poroti me Ōmanaia ahau. Ki te taha o tōku mama nō Takahiwai ahau. Ko Olivia Mereana Pickering taku ingoa.

Olivia is the Programme Coordinator for North and West at Ngā Rangatahi Toa.  It is the mana of her two nannie’s and her values instilled by her whānau that drive her passion to work on ground level with our rangatahi to achieve equitable outcomes. She loves to be immersed in te ao Māori and believes there is a power that comes from standing in your true self and allowing your tūpuna to guide you.


Chris Graham’s acting career spans a number of decades and also works within the education system enabling young people as a resource teacher learning and behaviour (RTLB). He has been apart of our creative artist Manawa Ora for the 2018 season and contributed to the further development of artists, peer support and rangatahi to get them show ready for the sell-out Basement Theatre season of Manawa Ora 2018. & 2019


Carey Tasker (Ngāti Whakaue) is the chairman of the board of Ngā Rangatahi Toa.

He is a chartered accountant currently working as a Principal Commercial Advisor at Auckland Council.

Shelby Roberts Ko Ngapuhi taku iwi, Ko Ngati kura taku hapu.

Shelby is a values-based decision-maker with experience in navigating both private and public sector organisations. She shares her home with her husband, their four tamariki, her mama Jennifer and kuri (dog) named Ramona.

Ingrid Gordon is a mother of three, chief runabout, passionate sideline supporter and business owner.

Her interests are in health and wellbeing, sports and fitness, combined with a passion for supporting youth with their dreams, however that looks for them.

Valance Smith is of Māori (Ngāti Mahuta, Te Parawhau, Te Uriroroi, Te Mahurehure ki Whatitiri), English and Chinese descent. As Kaihautū Tiriti – Tiriti Strategist for AUT, Valance provides strategic leadership to the Vice Chancellors Office, as well as academic and cultural leadership across the university. His current research includes mātauranga Māori solutions for Kauri Dieback, and maramataka and its connection to physical activity.

Andrew Melville is Pākehā of Scottish and English descent.

He is a facilitator, mentor and storyteller, working with teams and leaders to centre ngā tangata and te taiao in their life and mahi.

He works with Māori entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, supporting them to embed mātauranga into their purpose and mahi while navigating the mainstream systems of business and government.

Andrew published The Weave, The Surprising Unity in Difference in 2016, and has co-authored three other books.